What is an NFT used for? Why buy TechyGirls NFTs?
A TechyGirls Art NFT represents a unique, traceable work of digital art, and may have additional uses, depending on the smart contract linked to it.
By becoming a digital art collector you are entering the world of hyper-contemporary art and by becoming the owner of an NFT TechyGirls work you are becoming a member of an active feminine community.
As well as supporting a community of women, you'll be able to improve your finances, because TechyGirls is a solid consortium with a long-term, serious commitment. Your TechyGirls NFT can therefore increase in value.
Did you know that buying a work of art is eligible for tax relief?
Did you know that the purchase of a work of art is eligible for tax relief? Did you know that by becoming a TechyGirls patron you can benefit from some very attractive tax breaks?
By purchasing a TechyGirls work of art, you'll benefit financially and give your company a more aesthetic setting while enhancing its image.
Deduction of expenses: Expenses relating to the purchase of works of art can be deducted from the company's taxable income, thereby reducing taxable profits and therefore the tax payable.
Depreciation: Companies can amortise the cost of acquiring works of art over several years, thereby spreading the tax burden over a given period.
Tax reduction for sponsorship: If an individual donates a work of art to a public-interest organisation, he or she can claim a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of the donation, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income.
Exemption from Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune (ISF) / Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI) : Works of art owned by an individual and exhibited to the public or made available may be excluded from the IFI/ISF tax base.
Inheritance tax allowance: Works of art can benefit from specific allowances when they are transferred free of charge (inheritance, gift), thereby reducing the tax base and the inheritance tax payable.